Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Big Announcement and other stuff

Well folks, if the picture is of any indication to you, the big announcement I have involves my family and a plane. Here it is, we are being re-located to Calgary. Yes you all read that right, we are moving back to Calgary effective immediately. I'll probably be there for a while before my wife and son join me, as we still have to sell our house here in Guelph. This decision was made last weekend, as my company wants me to be more directly involved in the day to day operations at the home base. It's been crazy, and Jody and I have been riding an emotional roller coaster ever since the decision was made. While we are very excited for the new opportunities this is bringing our way, we are sad to leave Guelph. We have both found ourselves really loving Guelph since we moved here. It is also where our very first home is, and we only got to spend a little over a year in it. Jody also is from Ontario as many of you know, so we will be leaving her family behind, don't worry though, we will be visiting often. On the other hand we are moving to where great opportunities await and it is where I am from, so its not like we are charting into the unknown. It's really a bitter sweet time for us, either way we go you're giving up one thing and gaining another. It's funny where life takes you. Although there is some sadness, there is also some excitement and hope. When looking at it as a whole, this is a good opportunity for us to grow as a family.

Well now that that is out of the way, my next piece is an update on my beloved Flames. They lost a real tough game on Monday to San Jose 2-1. It was costly because Vancouver won their game last night which leap frogged them into first place in the division and the 3rd seed in the playoffs. They hold that by one point with both teams having 6 games left to play. So we're still in contention for that placing, but we now have a tough schedule ahead of us, all the games are back to back games. So fingers crossed that the Flames wake up and get their game together before the playoffs start. It would be nice to have some momentum going in to the post season for a change.

Other than that folks, the rest of my thoughts will wait for other postings. By the way, anyone interested in seeing our house needs to go to As an added incentive, if you know anyone looking in the market for a home, we are offering a finders bonus to the person that finds the lucky people that buy our home. Please get the word out!


Megan said...

yay! can't wait to have you back!

Chris said...

Right on. I guess we'll be seeing you soon then.

mommy's thoughts! said...

You guys will be missed!

Geoff Crane said...

Yeah, like I said we'll sure miss everyone in Ontario. As for me being an Alberta boy, Guelph really has become my second home, so its sad in a way. Looking at the positive though, we are excited for what may lie in store for us in Alberta.

Geoff Crane said...

Chris and Megan, we'll have to get together for sure when we come out there. We look forward to seeing you guys.